Accueil>Les actualités>Sponsering water filters

Sponsering water filters

Water filters for 10,000 poor families in southern Laos

You can sponsor a family for 41 €
When clean water change lives – TerraClear

Benefits of the filter

  • made locally by TerraClear (a non-profit company) with clay and rice husk
  • efficient water treatment
  • mechanical filtration
  • light and transportable
  • advantageous – unit price: 46 € (of which 5€ paid by the family over 6 months and the rest subsidized by the project)


  • Health: reduction of water-related and respiratory diseases by half by reducing smoke in boil water homes.
  • Social: reduction of the effort required to obtain drinking water. Improves in particular the lives of children and women.
  • Financial: less expensive than other options (bottled water, boiling).
  • Environmental: 1 filter means a reduction of 1.4 tons of wood usually used by the household each year. The filter does not require any source of energy, thus favoring the conservation of the local forest.


In the USA and Canda, donations for this project can be made online through our partner MRDS, with the Accound designation code Terracare.002

Donations in Europe below.