Institutional financial partners do not cover all the needs, and we need private donations.
You can organize a meeting in your community, your city or your company. We will be glad to assist you and send one of our collaborators or someone who used to work for SFE in Laos.
A good idea is to submit a project to be sponsored by the company where you work. We will help you put together the documents needed and introduce the SFE and Laos to the people/the foundation in charge.
Crédit Agricole Franche-Comté
Agence de Montbéliard-Centre (20004)
FR76 1250 6200 0456 5113 6920 278
Service Fraternel d’Entraide (SFE)
CCP 17–316305–5
N° IBAN : CH02 0900 0000 1731 6305 5
1162 St-Prex
CCP N° 12-1401-1
(please specify «for SFE»)
IBAN: CH79 0900 0000 1200 1401 1
(This SFE account allows the deductibility of the income tax return for the taxes in Switzerland)
Une création Sandro Matera et Benoit Maigret
SFE tous droits réservés 2024